Our Curriculum

As a Reggio inspired preschool, we use an emergent curriculum, i.e. one that is inspired by the children’s interests and supported by long-term inquiry projects that vary from year to year. However, we use referential frameworks that informs our practice and insures that children in our program learn age-appropriate skills and concepts. Among those frameworks are:

Creative Curriculum developed by Diane Trister Dodge, Laura Calker, and Kate Heroman.

GOLD Alignment of Objectives for Development and Learning from Birth to Kindergarten, which is a set of learning standards for preschool children.

Desired Results Developmental Profile Tool (DRDP), which is a developmental skill continuum screener.


We take a comprehensive view at each child, the family background, and experiences that shaped the youngster in our care. Every six months, we employ well researched developmental assessment tools to track each child’s growth that we share with the families. Using The Desired Results Developmental Profile Tool (researched and developed by the California Department of Education), we take note of the following developmental areas:

DRDP (2015)

A Developmental Continuum From Early Infancy to Kindergarten Entry

Measures at-a-Glance

Preschool View: for use with preschool-age children

Domain NameDomain AbbreviationNumber within DomainMeasure NamePage Number
Approaches to Learning – Self-RegulationATL-REG1Attention Maintenance1
4Curiosity and Initiative in Learning4
5Self-Control of Feelings and Behavior5
6Engagement and Persistence6
7Shared Use of Space and Materials7
Social and Emotional DevelopmentSED1Identity of Self in Relation to Others8
2Social and Emotional Understanding9
3Relationships and Social Interactions with Familiar Adults10
4Relationships and Social Interactions with Peers11
5Symbolic and Sociodramatic Play12
Language and Literacy DevelopmentLLD1Understanding of Language (Receptive)13
2Responsiveness to Language14
3Communication and Use of Language (Expressive)15
4Reciprocal Communication and Conversation16
5Interest in Literacy17
6Comprehension of Age-Appropriate Text18
7Concepts About Print19
8Phonological Awareness20
9Letter and Word Knowledge21
10Emergent Writing22
English Language DevelopmentELD1Comprehension of English (Receptive English)23
2Self-Expression in English (Expressive English)24
3Understanding and Response to English Literacy Activities25
4Symbol, Letter, and Print Knowledge in English26
Cognition, Including Math and ScienceCOG1Spatial Relationships27
3Number Sense of Quantity29
4Number Sense of Math Operations30
8Cause and Effect34
9Inquiry Through Observation and Investigation35
10Documentation and Communication of Inquiry36
11Knowledge of the Natural World37
Physical Development – HealthPD-HLTH1Perceptual-Motor Skills and Movement Concepts38
2Gross Locomotor Movement Skills39
3Gross Motor Manipulative Skills40
4Fine Motor Manipulative Skills41
6Personal Care Routines: Hygiene43
7Personal Care Routines: Feeding44
8Personal Care Routines: Dressing45
9Active Physical Play46
History – Social ScienceHSS1Sense of Time48
2Sense of Place49
4Conflict Negotiation51
5Responsible Conduct as a Group Member52
Visual and Performing ArtsVPA1Visual Art53